Just a quick blog post to share my not so enjoyable morning with you all.
I have recently started going to the gym in the mornings 3 days a week. I find it really sets my day off on the right track and that I am not dragging my butt to the gym after work and doing a half hearted work out.
So this morning I slept through my alarm after a sporadic nights sleep but decided to get up and get going to the gym even though it would be a shortened work out this morning. So I got myself out the door by around 7, which was a miracle and I lock my door and head out to my car (who I have lovingly named Beatrice) to heat it out and scrape the ice off my car windows. It went down to -20 over night, so my Beatrice was really cold and complained quite loudly this morning. So I start the car and scrape of the windows and as soon as I grab the handle to open my door and get back in, all the car doors lock in protest of being forced to work in the frigid temps.
So this morning I slept through my alarm after a sporadic nights sleep but decided to get up and get going to the gym even though it would be a shortened work out this morning. So I got myself out the door by around 7, which was a miracle and I lock my door and head out to my car (who I have lovingly named Beatrice) to heat it out and scrape the ice off my car windows. It went down to -20 over night, so my Beatrice was really cold and complained quite loudly this morning. So I start the car and scrape of the windows and as soon as I grab the handle to open my door and get back in, all the car doors lock in protest of being forced to work in the frigid temps.
This was NOT what I needed this morning. I was locked out of my car and my house key was on my ring locked in my car. So this morning I spent 40 minutes waiting out in the cold for Andrew (bless his soul he jumped out of bed and drove over to rescue me from the cold) and the tow truck to come open my car door.
Man, the things that you think about when you are cold and trying not to focus on your toes becoming numb one by one. All I could think about were big fuzzy socks, bulky warm sweaters and how thankful I was for roadside assistance and a WONDERFUL fiance!
I also was thanking God that I do not live on the streets and that I don't work outdoors. I don't know how those people do it in this type of weather, I felt like I was going to turn into a popsicle.
All complaining aside, this morning reminded me of another simple thing to be thankful for: HEAT! Especially with 10-29cm of snow on it's way, I couldn't be more thankful.
Stay warm out there, and remember to be thankful for the little things that we take for granted every day.
As for me, I will remember to roll my window down when heating up my car, so that I won't get locked out.
- C
P.S. Stay tuned for more about me in my next post today or tomorrow. :)
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